Here you can find information about our research group members. For further information about the group or projects, please contact with us

Büşra Kulakoğlu

Cinque Terre

Büşra Kulakoğlu is a research assistant at Educational Sciences Department, Middle East Technical University. She graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Mathematics Education with a first class honors degree from Middle East Technical University. After that, she received a master's degree in the program of Educational Administration and Planning at METU. Currently, she is working towards her PhD in Educational Administration and Planning program at the same university. She has also experience as a teaching assistant in master's level courses of Educational Statistics and Research Methods and Ethics in Education and PhD level course of Multivariate Statistical Techniques in Education. 

Her main research interests 

  • educational policy
  • higher education
  • economics of education

Hanife Hilal Şenay

Cinque Terre

Hanife Hilal Şenay is a research assistant at Graduate School of Social Sciences, Middle East Technical University. She completed her master's degree in Educational Administration and Planning Program. Currently, she is continuing her studies as a PhD student in Educational Administration and Planning Program at Department of Educational Sciences at METU.

Her research interests 

  • academic diasporas 
  • higher education studies
  • internationalization of higher education

Merve Zayim Kurtay

Cinque Terre

Merve Zayim-Kurtay received her M.S and Ph.D. in Educational Administration and Planning at Middle East Technical University. She completed her postdoctoral studies in Vrije Universiteit Brussel and worked as a full-time researcher in an Erasmus+ project on university governance and academic leadership. She has several papers and an edited book on university governance and academic leadership within the higher education contexts of Europe, China, and Turkey.

Her other research interests

  • organizational change,
  • educational change,
  • change-related attitudes and emotions,
  • organizational trust.

Sevgi Kaya Kaşıkcı

Cinque Terre

Sevgi Kaya-Kaşıkcı is a research assitant at Educational Sciences Department, Middle East Technical University (METU) in Ankara, Turkey. She completed her Master’s degree in Educational Administration and Planning program. Currently, she is carrying out her PhD in the same field. She also serves as an assistant editor of Educational Administration: Theory and Practice. She has been involved in projects such as “Experiences and Engagement of Syrian Refugee Students to Higher Education in Turkey” funded by METU Scientific Research Project and “Increasing Participatory and Democratic Processes in Schools” funded by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.

Her main research interests 

  • social justice in higher education
  • education policy, specifically policy formulation process 
  • alternative education and practices. 

Yasar Kondakci

Cinque Terre Dr. Yasar Kondakci is a full professor in Educational Administration and Planning at the Middle East Technical University. He has coordinated and successfully completed several large-scale projects which were funded by prestigious governmental organization in Turkey. Dr Kondakci has an extensive experience in editing books and journals. He is the associated editor of "The Oxford Encyclopedia of Education," co-editor of the books titled as "Migrants, Refugees and Global Challenges in Higher Education," and "Research in Educational Administration." Dr. Kondakci acts as the associate/section editor of two leading journals in the field of educational administration in Turkey, Research in Educational Administration and Leadership (REAL) and Educational Administration: Theory and Practice. He served as council member of the European Educational Research Association between 2008-2009. He is a member of the Turkish Association of Higher Education Studies and he is still on the administrative board of the Turkish Educational Administration Research and Development Association (EARDA). Dr. Kondakci served the duty of Associate Dean to the Graduate School of Social Sciences at the Middle East Technical University between 2013-2017. His articles have been published in prominent journals of educational sciences field including Higher Education, Educational Studies, and Educational Management, Administration and Leadership.

His main research interests

  • higher education
  • change and development in educational organizations
  • social justice in education.

Last Updated:
26/09/2022 - 15:36